“Kalau Cinta Jangan Cengeng” Indonesian movie by Monty Tiwa. This movie story about Boy (Agus Ringgo) an actor film. He stop consuming drugs after crass his car. After rehabilitation program, Boy become a icon fight drugs. He always speech in a rehabilitation program for the other.
He meet Yani (Marshanda) in a program. Boy believe that Yani is a daughter of his victim in an accident in the past. Boy want to redemte his fault. And Boy want give aid to help Yani solve her drug problems.
Ahmad (Dwi Sasono), ex Boys Manager, telling to Yani that Boy have make her parents died. Beginning at this point, one by one problem discloser between Boy and Yani.
This film is moderate. Monty Tiwa, The Director tell a different story film than the other Indonesian drama films. Unfortunatelly , the plot is very slow…You will feel boring to see.
Marsanda scene is verry good. She can make live Yani character and verry different with her performes in the soap opera in Indonesian television before.
But Agus Ringgo performes is commonly as his character in the other film before. Like “Jomblo, Si jago merah and etch”. He can not out from his specific character as a comedian actor.
But it is a different genre film in Indonesian movie. This film fair enough to see.
I give three star for this film. Just moderate.
I suggest you to bring a handkerchief while watching this movie.
Do you interest. Go to the cinema near you. ( by : juhdy)